Affiliate Program updated: Project owner will decide the Sharing Commission

2022-08-13 00:00:00

With the change of role and mission in version 2.0 becoming the connecting platform, Arbill affiliate program is also updated. We will assign the full right to distribute the commission to the project owner. For each project, the project owner will have the right to decide how much to share with the promoters. This policy is effective from August 13, 2022.

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Arbill 2.0 - Beta version released

2022-03-21 12:00:00

We are ready for the beta version with a new form of operation. As previously announced, in version 2.0, we will act as a bridge between the trust Investor and the Project Owners.

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Arbill 2.0 is coming soon

2022-02-28 09:41:24

Arbill's development team is racing against time to ensure the launch of new features in time for March. The very first features are expected to be a bridge to connect project owners and users. We will work on a solution to help both parties get their fair share. To avoid relying too much on third parties, we will focus mainly on decentralized forms of payment.

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Temporarily suspending investment trust activities

2022-01-24 12:00:00

We had some issues with the Perfect Money payment gateway, one of Arbill's main payment gateways. The inability to pay has dramatically affected our investment activities to pay interest to you. We will do what is necessary to fix this issue and notify all our investors.

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2021-05-01 04:32:43

Been with Arbill for a long time, but did you know that Arbill is a product of VV0LLL - a company with technology products?

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